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This section serves to guide an administrator on the correct setup of the Avaya CMS ECHI data to be collected by Virsae Service Management.
The CMS server must be licensed to utilise ECHI and the ECHI Handler from Avaya Professional Services must be installed.
You can check if the Handler is installed by checking if the /export/home/pserv/ech/ directory exists on the CMS server
The Transport of the ECHI Files to VSM can be either SFTP or FTP. 


Modify the CMS Hosts File

You will need to add a hosts file entry on the CMS Server for the VSM Collector.

Modify the /etc/hosts file and add an entry to match the IP address of your VSM Collector.

e.g.   virsaehost

Create the SSH Key on the CMS Server

Log on to the CMS Server Shell using an account with administrative privileges (for Example, CMSSVC)

Generate an SSH key file using the ssh-gen utility. Execute the following command:

ssh-keygen –t rsa –f /cms/dc/chr/virsae_echi.key

When the command executes, it will prompt you for a passphrase. At this point just hit enter and again when it asks for a confirmation.

This will create an identification file and a public key file in the /cms/dc/chr directory.

The contents of the public key file will need to be copied and used to create the VSM SFTP user. Use the “cat” command to gather the contents of the public key file.

cat /cms/dc/chr/

Copy the text starting with “ssh-rsa” and ending with the two ‘=’ characters. This data is needed for the creation of the SFTP user account in VSM covered in section 2.3

Create the ECHI SFTP User Account in VSM

Login to the VSM Portal and navigate to ‘Service Desk> Equipment Locations’, Right click on the location you need to add the user account to and select ‘Manage Location’, then Click on the ‘File Transfer’ tab.

Ensure that ‘Enable SFTP’ and ‘Enable SCP’ are checked and then at the bottom of the page populate the ‘User Name’ field with the name used for the SSH key in section 2.2 (virsae_echi), add a password in the ‘Password’ field, set ‘Protocol’ to ‘SFTP/SCP’, set ‘Upload Type’ to ‘CMSCallHistory’, and paste the SSH Key from section 2.2 into the ‘Public Key’ field.

Once populated click on the + button to the right and once that is complete click on ‘Save’ at the bottom of the page.

Modify SSH_Config

To associate the SSH key you created with the SFTP username on the VSM server you will need to add an entry to the /etc/ssh/ssh_config file.

Edit the ssh_config file and add an entry above the line reading ‘Host *’. Replace {HOSTNAME} in the example below with the Hostname you entered in your /etc/hosts file e.g. virsaehost.

	IdentityFile /cms/dc/chr/virsae_echi.key

Test SFTP session from the CSM server

Once the CMS and VSM configuration has been completed you can test it will work by initiating an SFTP session to the Virsae Collector from the CMS Server.

Login to the CMS Shell with a privileged account e.g. CMSSVC.

Run the command shown below but replace the last parameter with the SFTP Username and the Hostname you added to the hosts file or the IP address of the VSM Collector.

sftp {SFTP Username}@{HOSTNAME or IP ADDRESS of VSM collector}

You may be prompted for the Key file passphrase, just hit enter, then if successful you should have the SFTP prompt from the VSM collector.


Type ‘exit’ to close the sftp connection.

Configure ECHI Handler for SFTP

On the CMS Server open the /export/home/pserv/ech directory, in this directory you should have an ech.conf file.

Edit the ech.conf file, find the section that begins with:

### Second Explorer/Analyzer or ISM data feed configuration items ###

Populate the entries below this line as per the table below:

CMS ECHI Field Descriptions for SFTP












The Hostname you entered in the /etc/hosts file


The SFTP username you created in section 2.3


The SFTP password you created in section 2.3





Example below:

### These items are for the second NICE Analyzer binary data feed.
ISM_READY=yes            # Is there a second Explorer/Analyzer or an ISM?
ISM_XML=no               # The second binary feed is to Analyzer?
ISM_SYNONYMS=no          # The second binary feed is to Explorer2?
ISM_EXPLORER1=no         # The second binary feed is to Explorer1?
ISM_HOST_NAME=virsaehost # must be in /etc/hosts
ISM_USER_ID=virsae_echi  # FTP user ID
ISM_USER_PW=virsae123    # FTP user password
CD=no                    # Normally 'yes'.  But if we are sending to a system
                         # where we do NOT need to 'cd' to another directory,
                         # make this 'no'.
ISM_SSH=yes              # If 'yes', use 'sftp' instead of 'ftp'.

Once complete save this file.

Check the ISM_FTP script

Some versions of the ECH Handler on CMS Server are missing an entry in the /export/home/pserv/ech/ism_ftp file. This missing entry means that the ‘CD=No’ parameter entered in the ech.conf file is not respected and the sftp transfer will fail.

Use cat to view the contents of the ism_ftp file and look for the section dealing with SFTP.

Below is the correct version. If your ism_ftp file matches this and contains the ‘if [ $CD = yes ]’ argument then you do not need to make any changes.

  # If using 'sftp' in lieu of 'ftp'
  if [ $ISM_SSH = yes ]
    if [ $CD = yes ]
      # SFTPto SSH Server
      $SFTP -o PasswordAuthentication=no -o BatchMode=yes ${ISM_USER_ID}@$ISM_HOST_NAME <<-[]> $ftplog 2>&1
                cd $ToDir
                put $FileName
      $SFTP -o PasswordAuthentication=no -o BatchMode=yes ${ISM_USER_ID}@$ISM_HOST_NAME <<-[]> $ftplog 2>&1
                put $FileName

    # SFTP ran - Stop the child timer process
    kill -9 $childpid >/dev/null 2>&1

    # Confirm that the file transfer worked
    check=`egrep -i "Bad|Unable|illegal|syserr|failed|Abort|password|passphrase|no more|denied|invalid|no such|refused|error|protocol error" $ftplog | egrep -v "FIPS integrity verification test failed" `
    if [ "$check" = "" ]
      rm -f $FileName
      logit "SFTP - OK"
      logit "SFTP - Failed"

However if your ism_ftp file is missing the ‘if [ $CD = yes ]’ argument and looks like the file below, then you will need to remark out the line showing ‘cd $ToDir’:

  # If using 'sftp' in lieu of 'ftp'
  if [ $ISM_SSH = yes ]
    # SFTPto SSH Server
    $SFTP -o PasswordAuthentication=no -o BatchMode=yes ${ISM_USER_ID}@$ISM_HOST_NAME <<-[]> $ftplog 2>&1
                cd $ToDir
                put $FileName

    # SFTP ran - Stop the child timer process
    kill -9 $childpid >/dev/null 2>&1

    # Confirm that the file transfer worked
    check=$(egrep -i "Bad|Unable|illegal|syserr|failed|Abort|password|passphrase|no more|denied|invalid|no such|refused|error|protocol error" $ftplog | egrep -v "FIPS integrity verification test failed" )
    if [ "$check" = "" ]
      rm -f $FileName
      logit "SFTP - OK"
      logit "SFTP - Failed"

Example below with remark:

  # If using 'sftp' in lieu of 'ftp'
  if [ $ISM_SSH = yes ]
    # SFTPto SSH Server
    $SFTP -o PasswordAuthentication=no -o BatchMode=yes ${ISM_USER_ID}@$ISM_HOST_NAME <<-[]> $ftplog 2>&1
            #    cd $ToDir
                put $FileName

    # SFTP ran - Stop the child timer process
    kill -9 $childpid >/dev/null 2>&1

    # Confirm that the file transfer worked
    check=$(egrep -i "Bad|Unable|illegal|syserr|failed|Abort|password|passphrase|no more|denied|invalid|no such|refused|error|protocol error" $ftplog | egrep -v "FIPS integrity verification test failed" )
    if [ "$check" = "" ]
      rm -f $FileName
      logit "SFTP - OK"
      logit "SFTP - Failed"

Once you have remarked this line, save the ism_ftp file.

The CMS ECHI Feed to VSM using SFTP setup is now complete.



Modify the CMS Hosts File

You will need to add a hosts file entry on the CMS Server for the VSM Collector.

Modify the /etc/hosts file and add an entry to match the IP address of your VSM Collector.

e.g.   virsaehost

Create the ECHI FTP User Account in VSM

Login to the VSM Portal and navigate to ‘Service Desk> Equipment Locations’, Right click on the location you need to add the user account to and select ‘Manage Location’

Click on the ‘File Transfer’ Tab

Ensure that ‘Enable FTP’ is checked and then at the bottom of the page populate the ‘User Name’ field with an appropriate username e.g. virsae_echi, add a password in the ‘Password’ field, set ‘Protocol’ to ‘FTP’, set ‘Upload Type’ to ‘CMSCallHistory’.

Once populated click on the + button to the right and once that is complete click on ‘Save’ at the bottom of the page.

Test FTP session from the CMS Server

Once the CMS and VSM configuration has been completed you can test it will work by initiating an FTP session to the Virsae Collector from the CMS Server.

Login to the CMS Shell with a privileged account e.g. CMSSVC.

Run the command shown below but replace the last parameter with the FTP Username and the Hostname you added to the hosts file or the IP address of the VSM Collector.

ftp {FTP Username}@{HOSTNAME or IP ADDRESS of VSM collector}

You will be prompted for the ftp account password, enter this and then if successful you should have the FTP prompt from the VSM collector


Type ‘exit’ to close the ftp connection.

Configure ECHI Handler for FTP

On the CMS Server open the /export/home/pserv/ech directory, in this directory you should have an ech.conf file.

Edit the ech.conf file, find the section that begins with:

### Second Explorer/Analyzer or ISM data feed configuration items ###

Populate the entries below this line as per the table below:

CMS ECHI Field Descriptions for FTP












The Hostname you entered in the /etc/hosts file


The FTP username you created in section 3.2


The FTP password you created in section 3.2





Example below:

### These items are for the second NICE Analyzer binary data feed.
ISM_READY=yes            # Is there a second Explorer/Analyzer or an ISM?
ISM_XML=no               # The second binary feed is to Analyzer?
ISM_SYNONYMS=no          # The second binary feed is to Explorer2?
ISM_EXPLORER1=no         # The second binary feed is to Explorer1?
ISM_HOST_NAME=virsaehost # must be in /etc/hosts
ISM_USER_ID=virsae_echi  # FTP user ID
ISM_USER_PW=virsae123    # FTP user password
CD=no                    # Normally 'yes'.  But if we are sending to a system
                         # where we do NOT need to 'cd' to another directory,
                         # make this 'no'.
ISM_SSH=no               # If 'yes', use 'sftp' instead of 'ftp'.

Once complete, save this file.

The CMS ECHI Feed to VSM using FTP setup is now complete.

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