This section makes frequent use of data contained in the Technical Requirements.

All relevant sections of the Technical Requirements Data collection should be completed or known before commencing with the steps in this section.

There are two parts to the configuration, the first being the server(s) under management, and the second being the supporting configuration on the web portal.

Both are covered in this chapter.

ASBC Configuration

Adding a new SBC Login

Create an Administrator account. The VSM Collector requires access with the same rights as the IPCS user.

Either use the IPCS credentials in VSM or, if you require a named account, engage your Business Partner or Avaya to create an account with the exact same rights as IPCS.


SNMP is used to capture alarms raised by the Avaya SBC; VSM also queries the SBC via SNMP. The VSM Collector must be added as a destination for SNMP traps and also allowed to Query the SBC.

SNMP queries are configured via the Avaya SBC management portal – System Management> Device Specific Settings> SNMP.

You can configure SNMP v1, v2 or v3. Virsae recommends the use of v3 and V1 and V2 were only available on early releases of Avaya SBCE.


Select the SNMP v1/v2 tab then click the ‘Add’ button:

Add a Community Name, an IP address and a port for the SNMP traps to be sent to then click finish:

Avaya SBC Set SNMP v1/v2 Trap Destination Field Description


Community Name

Pick a name to suit your installation


VSM collector IP Address:162

You should now see the details you have added in the SNMP v1/v2 tab.

Next click on the ‘Management Servers’ tab then click the ‘Add’ button:

Add the IP address of the VSM appliance Collector then click ‘Finish’:

Avaya SBC Set SNMP Management Server Field Description


IP Address

VSM Collector IP Address


Select the SNMP v3 tab then click the ‘Add’ button:

When adding:

  • Add a Username.
  • Select the ‘authpriv’ radio button.
  • Set a passphrase for both Auth and Priv.
  • Set the Authentication protocol to ‘MD5’, Privacy protocol to ‘DES’, and the Privilege option to ‘Read’.

These settings need to match the setup within VSM for the SBC for SNMP V3.

Set the ‘Trap IP Address’ to the IP address of the VSM Collector. All other settings remain default.

Avaya SBC Set SNMP v3 Trap Destination



Set the username you wish to use for VSM e.g. virsae

Authentication Scheme



Set a password that meets Avaya’s criteria

Authentication Protocol

MD5 or SHA (Recommended)


Set a password that meets Avaya’s criteria

Privacy Protocol




Trap IP Address

VSM Collector IP address


Default – 162

Trap Profile


Once complete, click 'Finish':

You should now see the details you have added in the SNMP v3.

There are several bugs around SNMP V3 Users on SBC’s from version 7.2.2 onwards. These bugs should be resolved in later versions:

  • A username containing capital letters or special characters may work initially, but after an SBC reboot it may not work, so please avoid capital letters in usernames if possible.
  • A password containing special characters will likely never work. Please stick to just alpha/numeric for the passwords.

If you have any SNMP V3 query issues, you could try changing the usernames and passwords to basic versions and see if they work.

Go to the ‘Management Servers’ tab, then click the ‘Add’ button.

Add the IP Address of the VSM Collector then click 'Finish'.

Avaya SBC SNMP v3 Add Management Server IP Field Description


IP Address

VSM Collector IP Address


To setup Syslog output from the Avaya SBC to VSM go to System Management> Device Specific Settings> Syslog Management:

Click on the 'Collectors' tab and click on the 'Add' button, choose LOG_LOCAL0 from the 'Facility' drop-down box and set the 'Collector Type' to 'Remote Syslog'.

Set the 'Protocol' to 'UDP' and the 'Address' to '(ip:port)' to the VSM collector IP Address and port 514. Finally, click 'Finish'.

Avaya SBC Add Collector Profile Field Description




Collector Type

Remote Syslog




‘VSM collector IP Address’:514

Now click on the ‘Log Level’ tab and set the level of logging you want to be sent to the collector that was administered. Best practice would be to send all levels for all types.

Once complete, click 'Save'.

RTCP Relay for Remote Workers

The Avaya SBCE can relay RTCP generated by remote worker phones on the public network to the VSM Collector located within the customers private network.

This setup requires the SBC to listen for RTCP on one of its public facing interfaces and then pass this via in internal interface to the VSM Collector IP. The remote worker phones will also need to be configured to send RTCP data to the nominated SBCE Public Interface. This will generally be via the 46xx settings file or the Device Settings groups in Session Manager. Both of which are covered in other sections of this documentation server.

To configure the SBCE RTCP relay follow the steps below:

Log into the SBC web interface and navigate to 'DMZ Services ->Relay'.   

On the 'Relay Services: SBCE' page select the 'Application Relay' tab, then click 'Add'.  

The 'Add application Relay' form will open.



In the 'General Configuration' section:

  • Provide a Name for this relay (e.g. Remote-Worker-RTCP)
  • Set the 'Service Type' to 'RTCP'.    

In the 'Remote Configuration' section:

  • Enter the VSM Collector IP address in the 'Remote IP/FQDN' field.
  • Set the ‘Remote Port’ to the port number the VSM Collector is using to listen for RTCP (Default port is 5005 unless configured differently via the Service Desk > Equipment Locations > Manage Location > VQM tab). 
  • Set the 'Remote Transport' field to 'UDP'. 

In the 'Device Configuration' section:

  • Set the 'Listen IP' to the public interface of the SBCE that you wish the remote worker phones to send their RTCP. (The SBCE will listen for RTCP traffic on this interface)
  • Set the 'Listen Port' to the port your remote worker phones use to send RTCP. (The SBCE will listen on this port for RTCP traffic. The default port is 5005).
  • Set the  'Connect IP' to the SBCE interface you wish to use to send the relayed RTCP traffic to the VSM Collector, this is usually an internal private interface (This is usually the interface used for signalling to the Session Manager).  
  • Set the 'Listen Transport' to 'UDP'.    

In the 'Additional Configuration' section:

  • Set the 'Options' to 'Hop-by-Hop Traceroute' under 'RTCP Monitoring'. 

Click 'Finish', you should see your new relay service listed in the Application Relay list.

From the Menu on the left side of the page Navigate to 'Network & Flows → Advanced Options' 

'Network & Flows' on some versions of SBCE has been replaced with 'Device Specific Settings'


Select the 'RTCP Monitoring' tab.

Check the 'RTCP Monitoring Relay' box, set the 'Node type' to 'Core, Set the 'Relay IP' interface and IP to the same you entered earlier in the 'Connect IP' of the application relay.

Click 'Save'

The RTCP relay setup is now complete and you can now log out of the Avaya SBC.

Web Portal Configuration


Log in to the VSM web portal using your credentials and password.

For your customer, select Service Desk > Equipment Locations. Right-click on the Equipment Location that will serve this particular SBC and select ‘Manage Equipment’.

At the bottom of the ‘Manage Equipment’ page click on the ‘Add Equipment’ Button.

A form will open which you can populate with the equipment details.

Select the Vendor ‘Avaya’ and Product ‘Session Border Controller’.

If you are adding more than one piece of the same equipment type, check the ‘Add another’ box at the bottom of the form and the bulk of the configuration will be carried over for the next item.

Web Portal – Add SBC Field Description






Session Border Controller

Equipment Name

Friendly name for this SBC


The administrative username you added to SBC earlier


The administrative password you added to SBC earlier

IP Address / Host Name

IP Address of server (Virtual in duplicated servers)


Friendly name for core site (where this server is located)


Complete the Equipment tab and then click on the ‘SNMP Query’ tab.

Click on the down arrow, and select the SNMP version you wish VSM to use for querying the equipment:

SNMP V1 or V2



V1, V2

SNMP Community String

Community String as administered on this equipment






SNMP V3 Username (refer to technical requirements forms)

Authentication Protocol

SHA (Recommended)

Authentication Password

Password (refer to technical requirements)

Privacy Protocol

DES (Recommended)

Privacy Password

Password (refer to technical requirements forms)

Network Connectivity

Network connectivity settings are configured at the location level and apply to all equipment by default. See here for more information.

The default location-level network connectivity settings (which are detailed in the link above) may be overridden for specific equipment using this tab.

Disable Network Connectivity Ping for EquipmentSelect 'No' (this is the default) to send out ping tests. Select 'Yes' to disable ping tests from being sent out.
Ping Frequency (minutes)Defines the amount of time (in minutes) between each ping test.
Raise an alarm when maximum ping exceeds (x) msCheck this box and define a time (in milliseconds) to raise an alarm when the ping response time exceeds your set maximum time limit.
Raise an alarm when the average ping exceeds (x) msCheck this box and define a time (in milliseconds) to raise an alarm when the ping response time exceeds your set average time limit.
Raise an alarm when packet loss exceeds (x) %Check this box and define a percentage to raise an alarm when the packet loss of pings sent exceeds your set limit.

You can define alarm raising conditions using all, none or a mixture of the above “Raise an alarm when” settings


From the add equipment pop up you can create new tags, apply existing ones, or disassociate existing tags for a specific piece of equipment.

Essentially, this tab implements the functionality on the Manage Tags page but localizes any configuration to the equipment being configured.

See here for more information.

Test Access

Once all fields are populated Click on the Test Access button. This will test that VSM can connect to the SBC using the settings you have entered:

Both SSH and SNMP should return success. If not, troubleshoot the configuration.

  • The SSH test ensures the VSM collector can connect to, and log in using the account configured.
  • The SNMP test ensures an SNMP query can be run.

Once testing is successful, click Add.

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