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Table of Contents


This document section makes frequent use of data contained in the Technical Requirements document.

All relevant sections of the Technical Requirements document Requirements Data collection should be completed or known before commencing with the steps in this documentsection.

Creating a VSM Customer

and Equipment Location

As a Virsae Business Partner, you will need to complete the initial configuration of new customers within the web portal. This includes:

  • Creating a new Customer
  • Creating an Equipment Location


    Information you will need to have on-hand to complete this process consists of:

    • Your Virsae Business Partner login details
    • Your customers details, including:
      • Shipping and billing addresses
      • Primary contact name and phone number (optional)
      • Partners Customer Number (optional: a reference that identifies your customer to your business)
      • Customer Service Desk email address (optional)
      • Customer logo (optional)

    Logging In

    To log on, browse to or your specific Business Partner VSM URL.

    At the login page, enter your email address and password.

    Adding a New Customer

    After logging in as a Virsae Business Partner, the Partner landing page will be displayed.

    From the ‘Service Desk’ menu on the top bar, select ‘Customers’ to go to the customer list.

    Click the 'Add Customer' button to add a new customer.

    Create Customer -


    In the ‘Details’ tab, enter the customer and partner details, you .

    You can also upload a customer logo if you wishThe customer logo will appear on your Business Partner Home page and on the dashlets you have on any Dashboard, for this customer.

    Field NameDetails

    Display Name

    Free text customer name

    Customer Service Desk Email

    The customers service desk email address. This is the destination for alarms and general notification (optional).

    VSM Express Customer

    Select this when the customer is subscribed to VSM Express or an Access Concentrator only deployment.

    For Access Concentrator only deployments, this field is mandatory.

    Partner Account number

    The partner account number. This is used by the partner to bill the customer. This number would typically be defined in the financial relationship between the partner and their customer(optional).

    Partner Customer Number

    The customer number. This is a billing reference that the BP knows the customer by – E.g. from the partners CRM system (optional).

    Partner Service Desk Email

    The partner service desk email address specifically for this customer. This is where alarms and general notifications for this customer will be sent. If empty, all emails will be sent to the partner service desk address specified within the Business Partners settings..

    Upload Logo

    Add a company logo. This will appear on reports and dashboards, and other parts of the application.

    The image uploaded will be resized to W/H 100/100. This may cause distortion for small images. It is recommended that your logo is as close to 100/100 as possible and with a transparent background.

    Note that it may take up to 30 minutes to load.

    Create Customer -


    Click the 'Address' tab.

    Enter the customers address details. If the shipping address is the same as the billing address, check the checkbox and the details will be carried across.

    Create Customer -

    Account Settings

    Click the 'Account Settings' tab.

    The Account Settings tab allows to you enable optional security policies for your customer’s users.

    It also assigns the access role this customer belongs to if you are using Roles Based Access.

    Field NameDetails

    Enable Password Aging

    If enabled, the password aging policy forces the user to change their password after a specified number of days.

    Enable Idle Timeout

    The Idle timeout policy determines the number of minutes of inactivity before the user's session times out and the user is redirected to the log in page. The minimum value is 1.

    Dashboards and existing remote access sessions are exempt from this setting.

    Enable Password History

    The Enforce Password History policy determines the number of unique new passwords that must be associated with a user account before an old password can be used.

    Suspend account on inactivity

    If enabled, the account suspension on inactivity policy determines the number of days an account is idle (not logged in), before it will automatically be suspended. The maximum and default value is 120.

    Select Role

    By default, all customers are added to the Default Role. Associate this customer with any additional roles here.

    To manage Roles and Access, go to Service Desk> Manage Roles and Access.


    If tags have been set up, then these can be selected from the drop-down boxes. For information regarding setting up tags, click here...

    Once all details have been entered click the ‘Save’ button. The customer will be created and can be seen on the Business Partner Landing page (i.e. the “Home” page).

    Manage Subscriptions

    At this point the customer will be have been created, but will not be subscribed to any VSM Features.

    You will need to assign the appropriate subscriptions by right clicking on the customer and selecting ‘Service Desk> Manage Customer’.

    Click on 'Manage Subscriptions' from the top bar.

    Manage Subscriptions -

    Subscribed Features

    The list of subscribed features will be displayed.

    At the bottom of this page click on 'Manage Subscriptions'.

    Assign the appropriate VSM features to the customer. This is done by dragging the required feature from the Available Options list to the Selected Options list.

    Service Desk and API are mandatory features.


    Assignment of features at this point will create a billing contract and the Business Partner will begin to be invoiced for the service by Virsae in accordance with the financial relationship.

    It is up to the Business Partner to ensure their customer is in turn invoiced for the service in accordance with that commercial relationship.

    Once complete click on the ‘Submit’ button at the bottom of the page.

    Your customer setup is now complete and you are ready to add create an Equipment Location.


    Next, configure Create an Equipment Location and Import Servers