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Table of Contents
This dashlet provides an  high level view of a customers Microsoft Teams Call Records, stream quality and a summary breakdown of how Microsoft Teams is being used by call type, network type, audio devices and modalities.

Dashlet Settings

When adding the Microsoft Teams Call Summary dashlet to the dashboard, it is located in the System Health category. The dashlet can be set to a summary period of 1, 6, 12 or 24 hours. 

The summary period includes the time frame up to the last complete hour for the period selected. 

Dashlet content

For each call record there will usually be a minimum of 2 streams (talk and listen) and often more depending on number of participants and the modalities being used (Audio, Video, Screen sharing, etc)

  1. Stream Quality - an overview of quality in graphical form and summary table. 
  2. User Summary shows how your users are engaging with MS Teams and is displayed by
    • Call Type
      • Peer to Peer or Group Call
    • Network Type
      • eg: Wi-Fi, Wired, Mobile
    • Audio Device
    • Modalities
      • eg: Audio, Video, screen sharing
  3. Platform Summary shows what types of devices are being used
  4. Feedback Summary shows how the users rated the standard of their call with a graphical RAG bar and summary count..
    1. Use this as the mechanism to report call quality issues directly to your IT Help Desk

Note that the following links from the dashboard are not available to Dashboard Only users.


Hover on the following dashlet items and click will take the user directly to the following: 

  • Call Records = Microsoft Teams Call records page
  • Stream Quality = Mean Opinion Score Distribution report
  • Modalities = Microsoft Teams User Activity report
  • Platforms = Microsoft Teams Device Usage report
  • Feedback Ratings = Session Quality User Feedback report


Feedback Ratings

Feedback Ratings uses the stars selected by the participants when presented the Microsoft Teams feedback form.

  • Excellent = 5 stars   (Green)
  • Good = 4 stars        (Green)
  • Fair = 3 stars           (Amber)
  • Poor = 2 stars         (Red)
  • Bad = 1 star            (Red)
  • No Rating                (Grey)    where the participant was presented the Microsoft Teams feedback form but has not selected any star rating

Stream Quality (MOS)

Stream quality uses Mean Opinion Score (MOS) ratings and is color coded Red, Amber, Green as detailed below:

Custom Site Locations ( medium size and larger dashlet)

coming soon

Video Overview

Widget Connector