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Table of Contents
Dashlet Settings

When adding the Microsoft Teams Call Summary dashlet to the dashboard, it is located in the System Health category. The dashlet can be set to a summary period of 1, 6, 12 or 24 hours.

Dashlet content

  1. Stream Quality - an overview of quality in graphical form and summary table. 
  2. User Summary shows how your users are engaging with MS Teams and is displayed by
    • Call Type
    • Network Type
    • Audio Device
    • Modalities
  3. Platform Summary shows what types of devices are being used
  4. Feedback Summary shows how the users rated the standard of their call.


Hover on "Call Records" and click will take the user directly to the Call Records grid.

Help about the Microsoft Teams Call Records Grid can be found here...


Feedback Ratings

Feedback Ratings uses the stars selected by the caller/callee from the Microsoft Teams call records

  • Excellent = 5 stars   (Green)
  • Good = 4 stars        (Green)
  • Fair = 3 stars           (Amber)
  • Poor = 2 stars         (Red)
  • Bad = 1 star            (Red)
  • No Rating                (Grey)    where the user has clicked submit on the Teams Feedback form but has not selected any star rating

MOS ratings

Stream quality uses MOS Ratings and is colour coded Red, Amber, Green 

Video Overview

Widget Connector