As a rule, one should be aiming for less than 1% of media streams with a MOS interval value below 4. VSM detects and reports what percentage of calls fall into this category and then gives a comprehensive breakdown of stream quality.
The VQM Summary dashlet shows a breakdown of streams for each MOS band by:

  • DSCP
  • IPNR
  • Codec
  • Layer 3 Device
  • Call Centre

The VQM Summary dashlet allows you to target areas of poor stream quality that will benefit your business the most. For example use the Call Center tab to analysis the quality of calls to your Contact Center by either Agent, Skill or VDN.

  • ECHI from Avaya Call Management System (CMS) must be enabled for the Call Center tab to populate.

VSM's AI Engineer, Alex offers recommendations for resolving issues on each tab.

VQM Summary dashlet (shown size Small and Huge)

Codec Tab – VQM Summary dashlet

Layer 3 Device Tab – VQM Summary dashlet

Call Center Tab – VQM Summary dashlet

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