This dashlet shows the current and average number of registered IP endpoints, sorted by IP Network Region. A system-wide total is depicted at the top.

  • If Network Regions are added, removed or changed, the dashlet will be automatically updated.

In an IP-world, users can logout of their IP phones as part of normal use. Accordingly, no alarms are generated as IP endpoint deregistration is not considered to be abnormal. The downside is that site-wide (or even system-wide) outages can occur, where all IP endpoints deregister, but no alarms are generated to notify support staff.

This dashlet has been specifically designed to notify administrators of potential issues when there is a change away from 'normal' behavior. Users are able to see total registrations across the system at a glance.

  • If the "Now" figure differs from the "Average" figure by more than 20%, then the IPNR will be highlighted red. 

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