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This section makes frequent use of data contained in the Technical Requirements.

All relevant sections of the Technical Requirements Data collection should be completed or known before commencing with the steps in this section.

There are two parts to the configuration, the first being the server(s) under management, and the second being the supporting configuration on the web portal.

Both are covered in this chapter.

ACM Configuration

Adding a new ACM Login

The VSM Probe requires access to Avaya Communication Manager with the appropriate user rights.

This can be achieved by creating a new user within Avaya Communication Manager with user profile 18, or a read-only account with the same level of access.

Browse to the Avaya Communication Manager and log in. Click on Security > Administrator Accounts and select Add Login and Privileged Administrator and click submit:

Enter details as per the table below:


Login name

Choose a Login name (refer to technical requirements forms)

Additional groups (Profile)


SAT Limit


Date to disable account

Leave blank


Choose a password (refer to technical requirements forms)

Force password change


Click Submit.

Once this account has been created, test it has the correct privileges by logging onto the ACM SAT and Linux CLI and running the following non-destructive commands:


$ display system-parameters customer-options
$ list registered-ip-stations
$ list measurements occupancy summary
$ status ip-network-region
$ monitor security-violations station-security-codes
$ display alarms
$ test port

ACM Linux CLI:

$ server
$ cat /etc/opt/ecs/ecs.conf
$ pingall –s 1
$ ifconfig –a

These commands should all return valid data. If not, the account you created is not correct.

Adding a new Media Gateway Login

The VSM collector requires access to the Media Gateways.

This can be achieved either by using the existing root account or by creating a new administrator account on each Media Gateway.

To use the root account, the password needs to be added to the VSM portal and instructions are in the next section of this manual.

To add a new administrator account, refer to the completed technical requirements forms and run these commands:


  1. Logon as 'root'
  2. Run the command:

    $ Username {choose a username} password {choose a password} access-type admin
  3. Test you can login to the Gateway with the new credentials.


  1. Logon as 'root'
  2. The prompt should be 'MG-001-1'
  3. Run the command: 'session stack'
  4. The prompt should now be 'P330-1'
  5. Run the command:

    $ Username {choose a username} password {choose a password} access-type admin
  6. Test you can login to the Gateway with the new credentials.

SNMP Traps and Access

SNMP traps are used to capture alarms raised by Avaya Communication Manager, SNMP Access is used by VSM to query certain information from the Avaya Communication Manager.


The VSM collector must be allowed to query the Avaya Communication Manager via SNMP.
Click on SNMP > Access. Click on 'Add/Change'.

Enter the details in the SNMP Version 2c or 3 option and click the Submit button:

ACM SNMP Access Field Description


IP Address

IP address of the VSM collector



Community Name/User Name (v3)

Choose an SNMP User Name or Community Name (refer to technical requirements forms)

Authentication Protocol (v3)

Choose an Authentication Protocol

Authentication Password (v3)

Choose an Authentication Password (refer to technical requirements)

Privacy Protocol (v3)

Choose a Privacy Protocol

Privacy Password (v3)

Choose a Privacy Password (refer to technical requirements forms)

SNMP Traps

The VSM collector must be added as a destination for SNMP traps. For this reason, the VSM collector must be assigned a fixed IP address.

Click on SNMP > FP Traps. Enter the details in the SNMP Version 2c or 3 option and click the Submit button:

ACM SNMP Trap Field Description



IP address

IP address of the VSM collector



User (v3)/Community Name

Choose an SNMP User Name or Community Name (refer to technical requirements forms)

Authentication Protocol (v3)


Authentication Password (v3)

Choose an Authentication Password (refer to technical requirements)

Privacy Protocol (v3)


Privacy Password (v3)

Choose a Privacy Password (refer to technical requirements forms)

Engine ID (v3)

Not required

After adding the SNMP destination it should be listed on the FP Traps page:

Next the ACM application also needs to be configured to send INADS alarm information to VSM via SNMP. This is done via the shell command "almsnmpconf".

To use this command, log into the ACM server Linux prompt. Execute the command: 

$ almsnmpconf -d {VSM collector IP ADDRESS} -c public


{VSM Probe IP ADDRESS} is the IP address of the VSM collector.

Check that the INAD SNMP alarms are enabled by executing the following command:

$ almenable

If the output is:

execute the command below to enable it:

$ almenable –s y

For customers with duplicated servers, this needs to be done on each server independently.

Modify Station SNMP Settings

To complete the SNMP configuration in Avaya Communication Manager, the VSM probe server must be added to the IP Node names table as shown below and then that Name used in the IP Options page.

This configuration allows VSM to request information via SNMP query:

ACM SNMP Node-names IP Field Description



VSM collector IP node-name (refer to technical requirements forms)

IP address

VSM collector IP Address 

Submit the form.

If the Download flag is set to yes as shown above then these settings will be downloaded to the phone and will overwrite any 46xxxSettings.txt file settings.

ACM SNMP System-parameters IP-Options Field Description


Download Flag?


Community String

SNMP Community to query phones

Source Address

VSM collector IP node-name (refer to technical requirements forms)

Submit the form.

SIP Stations

For SIP Stations, you will need to administer this within the 46xxSettings.txt files as follows and/or via Session Manager Device Settings Groups:

In the SNMP section edit and uncomment the following settings. Add text as per below:

SET SNMPADD {VSM collector IP Address}
SET SNMPSTRING {SNMP Community to query phones}

ACM Firewall

Ensure the Avaya Communication Manager firewall is configured to pass SNMP. Click on Security > Firewall:

ACM policy must accept UDP 161 and 162.

Enable Syslog streaming

ACM 8.0 and earlier:

The following changes are required to define the VSM collector as a destination for Avaya Communication Manager Syslog. Click on Security > Server Log Files:

ACM Syslog Field Description prior to ACM 8.1


When Submit button is clicked…


Enable logging to the following Syslog server


Server name

VSM collector IP Address

Selection for which logs are to be sent

All Checked

ACM 8.1 and later:

The following changes are required to define the VSM collector as a destination for Avaya Communication Manager Syslog. Click on Security > Server Log Files:

Administer any available 'Log Server'.

ACM Syslog Field Description For ACM 8.1 onwards

Server/IPVSM collector IP Address

Once the details have been entered click the Submit button.

Sat Terminal

At the SAT terminal, enter the command 'Change Logging-Levels'.

On page 1, set the 'Log Data Values' field to 'Both' and All Action Values (with the exception of Display, Get, List, Monitor and Status) to 'y'.

On page 2, set the 'Log PMS/AD Transactions' field to 'Y':


These changes increase the logging level to add a greater level of Change Manager reporting.

ACM Logging Levels Field Description


Log Data Values


All Action Values

Y – Except 'Display' 'Monitor' 'Status' 'List' 'Get'

Log PMS/AD Transactions


Submit the form.

Configure Off-site Backups

The following changes are required to define the VSM collector as a destination for ACM Backups.

These Backup files will be sent from the VSM collector to the Virsae Cloud.

Click on Data Backup/Restore > Schedule Backup > Add:

ACM Off-site Backups Field Description



sftp (Secure File Transfer Protocol)

User Name

Must match the SFTP Backup settings in the Web Portal Equipment Location


Must match the SFTP Backup settings in the Web Portal Equipment Location


VSM collector IP Address



Click 'Add New Schedule'.

Configure CDR (Optional)

Complete this section if the CDR feed from the customer will use VSM as a destination.

The more data that can be fed into VSM, the better the outcome will be.

If there is a CDR application already in use, configure the secondary CDR feed.

The following changes are required to define the VSM collector as a CDR destination.
Use the command 'Change IP-Services' and add the service type for the CDR1 or 2:

Go to page 3 and check the setting for the CDR you just configured are as shown in the image below:

ACM IP-Services Field Description


Local Node

ProcR or C-Lan

Local Port


Remote Node


Remote Port


Reliable ProtocolN
Packet Response Timer30
Session Connect Message Cntr3
SPDU Cntr3
Connectivity Timer60

Submit the form.

ACM System-parameters CDR

Use the command 'Change System-Parameters CDR' – using either the primary, if available, or the secondary, if the primary is in use.

Enter the output type as 'Unformatted' and names the output Endpoint CDR1 or CDR2:  

ACM CDR Field Description


Primary/Secondary Output Format (use whichever is spare)


Primary/Secondary Output Format (use whichever is spare)

CDR1 or 2

Submit the form.

Configure RTCP for VQM

The following changes are required to define the VSM Probe as the destination for RTCP (Voice Quality) traffic from the UC environment:

ACM System-parameters IP-Options Field Description


Default Server IP Address

VSM collector IP Address

Default Server Port

5005 – *See Note

Default RTCP Report Period (secs)


Note: A single Equipment Location can support multiple RTCP Receivers.

Each individual ACM and its adjuncts should report to a separate discrete RTCP Receiver using a unique port for each.

Submit the form.

SIP Endpoints RTCP

The following settings in the 46xx Settings file are mandatory if you have SIP endpoints and you wish to receive VQM for their calls.

SET RTCPMON {VSM collector IP Address}

After these entries have been put into the settings file you will need to restart SIP endpoints for them to take effect.

Avaya Agent For Desktop RTCP

If you are using Avaya Agent for desktop, the RTCP settings need to be set on each client using the following steps:

In the system tray, right-click the Avaya Agent for Desktop icon and select Configuration.

The system displays the Avaya Agent for Desktop Configuration window.

  1. In the Avaya Agent for Desktop Configuration window, select the Advanced tab.
  2. In the RTCP Monitoring Server Settings section, perform the following actions:
    1. In the Address field, type the IP address of the VSM collector.
    2. In the Port field, type the port number of the VSM RTCP receiver.
    3. In the Period field, enter ‘5 seconds’.
  3. Click Save.

ADDING: Avaya OneX Agent/Communicator

Web Portal Configuration


Log in to the VSM web portal using your credentials and password.

For your customer, select Service Desk > Equipment Locations.

Right-click on the Equipment Location (Collector) that will serve this particular UC Server and select 'Manager Equipment'.

At the bottom of the 'Manage Equipment' page click on the 'Add Equipment' button.

A form will open which you can populate with the equipment details using the table below.

Select the Vendor 'Avaya' and product 'Communication Manager'.

If you are adding more than one piece of the same equipment type, check the 'Add another' box at the bottom of the form and the bulk of the configuration will be carried over for the next item.

Web Portal – Add ACM Field Description





Communication Manager

Equipment Name

Friendly name for this ACM


ACM Username 


ACM Password 

Username for Media Gateways

Media Gateway Username 

Password for Media Gateways

Media Gateway Password 

IP Address / Host Name

IP Address of server (Virtual IP of duplicated CMA/CMB servers)


Friendly name for core site (where this server is located)

Monitored IP Network Regions

Up to 10 Intervening IP Network Regions, comma-separated

Disable automatic connection to Media Gateways

Check this to stop VSM accessing enhanced Media Gateway service information

Use the above credentials for all Media Gateways

Unchecking this box allows you to set different credentials for all media gateways


Complete the Equipment tab and then click on the 'SNMP Query' tab.

Click on the down arrow, and select the SNMP version you wish VSM to use for querying the ACM:

SNMP V1 or V2

ACM SNMP V1/V2 Field Descriptions



V1, V2

SNMP Community String

Community String as administered on the ACM


Table 15 – ACM SNMP V3 Field Description





SNMP V3 Username 

Authentication Protocol


Authentication Password


Privacy Protocol


Privacy Password


Under the 'Avaya Phones' section enter the SNMP Community String to be used for querying phones (administered earlier in ‘System-Parameters IP-Options, and the 46xx settings file.

Also administered via Session Manager if applicable) then click the '+' button.

Test Access

Once all fields are populated Click on the 'Test Access' button. This will test that VSM can connect to the ACM using the settings you have entered:

Both SSH and SNMP should return success. If not, troubleshoot the configuration.

  1. The SSH test ensures the VSM collector can connect to, and log in using the account configured.
  2. The SNMP test ensures an SNMP query can be run.

Once testing is successful, click Add.

Testing Alarm Receipt

In the 'Manage Equipment' page, right-click on the ACM you just added and select 'Generate Test Alarm':

The command should execute successfully. If not, troubleshoot the configuration.

Return to the home page. For the particular customer, select Availability Manager > Manage Alarms.

The Test should show as an alarm. If not, troubleshoot the SNMP Trap configuration.

This test has ACM generate an SNMP trap and ensures VSM receives the same.

Configure Site Mapping (Optional)

VSM uses the IP Network Region names in Reports and Alarms.

Sometimes the name assigned to the IP Network Region in the ACM configuration is not meaningful to the Business Partner and VSM’s Site Mapping feature allows you to customise this.

Site Mapping will only be available after VSM has performed its initial data collection on the ACM, therefore it is recommended that this is a ‘day 2’ administration.

Navigate to the customers ‘Manage Equipment’ page, right-click, and select ‘Edit’ on the ACM you wish to add site mapping for.

On the ‘Edit Equipment’ page, you should see a list of the IPNR’s and IPNR Names as administered in the ACM.

If you wish to customize the IPNR Name, click the Pen button.

Add your preferred values in the ‘Customized IPNR name’ field for the IPNR, then click on the tick.

After updating all site mappings click ‘Save’.

Serial Port Setting (Optional)

It is possible to receive data from ACM equipment using a serial connection between the equipment and the VSM Collector.

To enable this option in the VSM web portal check the "User Serial Port" checkbox.

This will bring up the Serial Port Configuration box.

Fill in the fields of the box using the information in the table below.

Comm PortThe communication port of the serial connection on the VSM Collector side.
Data BitsThe number of bits to send in each packet (7 or 8).
Stop BitsThe number of stop bits to send in the packet (max 2.)
Baud RateFrequency of bits sent along the serial connection.
ParityParity setting used for error detection.

Serial connection settings in VSM must match the port settings listed for the serial connection by the OS.

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