VSM has a facility to collect Line URI data and produce a daily document which contains all users and their associated information including Line URI details. The documents are produced daily at midnight 01:20 UTC.
This document will contain the following fields for each Teams user: InterpretedUserType, DisplayName, Alias, UserPrincipalName, LineURI, Title, Office, City, StateOrProvince. These daily documents are located within 'Files and Folders > Teams Cloud Service'.
When in the Add or Edit screen for a Microsoft Teams Services select the 'Site Mappings' tab.
Enter the IP address range by specifying the starting and ending IP addresses for a Custom Site Name. The format is nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn
- A maximum of 6 unique Custom Site Names can be entered.
- The Custom Site Name can be duplicated if multiple IP address ranges are required for a site.
- Start and End IP address can be the same to allow viewing a single device such as a Microsoft Teams Room.
Once you have populated the fields for a site click the '+ ' button to add it to the list.