Service Hours enables you to define a a start and end time as well as day of week that can be queried by alarm rules to determine what workflow should be associated with an alarm escalation. For example service hours may be set up business hours on weekdays, daytime on a weekend or Overnight weekdays or on a weekend. By checking if an alarm has occurred in or out of business hours or on a weekend, a different workflow may be triggered delivering a tailored escalation process.

Managing Service Hours

Service Hours administration can be found under Service Desk > Service Hours for BP's and Service Desk > Manage Customer > Service Hours button for customers.

One or more Service Hours table will be found in the Service Hours Tables grid. From this page you may create a new Service Hours table using the button at the bottom of the page or view an existing table from the right click menu.

Once the Service Hours table is open, you may select to edit it or close it using the buttons at the bottom of the form.

Editing Service Hours


In the Details tab provide the following information.

Name - This is used to identify the table and will be listed in places where the holiday table can be selected such as Alarm Rules.

Time Zone - Select the appropriate time zone which will be applied to this table. Select UTC if daylight saving time is not to be applied to the table.

Published - The Service Hours table will not be visible for selection until Published is checked.

Service Hours

In the Service Hours tab a single period is defined using a start and end date and time. This period may then be extended by configuring a repeat interval. The repeat options are

  • Daily - Repeat every day.
  • Weekly - Repeat every week but select the days of the week the schedule is to become active.
  • Monthly - Repeat every month on a given date of the month or on the 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th selected day of the month.

The schedule may be never ending or end after x number of occurrences or on a specific date in the future.

Reset on save is a Virsae specific function and should be left unchecked before saving the changes.

Holiday Tables

If a holiday table is to be applied to this schedule select it from the list of available Holiday tables under the Holiday Tables tab. The holidays table will override the Service Hours schedule if the next schedule falls on an administered holiday.

Find the Holiday Table in the list of available tables and click the Associate button. To remove an already associated table, right click on it in the listed tables and select Disassociate.

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