The following fields are available for use within a workflow. The Alarm details list are passed into the workflow as input parameters while the Business Partner, Customer, Equipment and Location fields are all retrieved using the appropriate activity from within the workflow.

Alarm Details

These alarm details are passed into a workflow as input parameters. These are indicated in the 'Start' activity Global Variables list with an input icon 

NameType Description
AdministeredIdStringThe administered name or id or the equipment raising the alarm. This could be as administered in VSM such as a server name or as administered in other equipment such as an Avaya Communication manager station number or board ID.
AlarmDescriptionStringA long description of the alarm usually taken from product documentation.
AlarmEventNameStringThe VSM name given to this alarm. Usually taken from product documentation or SNMP trap.
AlarmIdGUIDA unique identifier for this specific instance of an alarm.
AlarmLevelStringThe alarm level as defined in the product raising the alarm. For example as seen in Avaya Communication Manager display alarms commands.
AlarmResponseIdGUIDA VSM internal alarm ID specific to this type of alarm.
AlarmStateStringThe current alarm state.
ContractIdGUIDA VSM unique identifier for the contract associated with this alarm.
ContractNameStringThe name of the contract associated with this alarm. Taken from the VSM contract administration.
ContractTypeStringThe type of contract associated with this alarm. Taken from the VSM contract administration.
CoveredEntityIdGUIDA VSM unique identifier for the equipment under the contract associated with this alarm.
IsOutOfContractHoursBooleanIs the alarm being raised outside of the contracted hours as administered in VSM.
NextUnderContractUtcDateTimeDateWhat date and time is the equipment raising the alarm next under contract.
AlarmResponseAppliesToTypeStringThe VSM entity level that this alarm response is being applied. Normally default however the alarm response may be modified and that modification can be applied at a customer level or at a business partner level.
AlarmResponseAppliesToIdGUIDThe VSM unique identifier of the entity referred to in AlarmResponseAppliesToType above.
SourceIpAddressStringThe IP address of the equipment raising the alarm where an IP address can be determined.
BusinessPartnerIdGUIDThe VSM unique identifier of the business partner associated with the alarm being raised.
CreatedDateTimeDateThe date and time the alarm was created within VSM.
CustomerIdGUIDThe VSM unique identifier of the customer associated with this alarm being raised.
DisplayNameStringThe name to be displayed with this alarm. This may or may not be the same as the alarm event name.
EquipmentIdGUIDThe VSM unique identifier of the equipment associated with this alarm being raised.
LocationIdGUIDThe VSM unique identifier of the Location associated with this alarm being raised.
OriginatingProbeNameStringThe VSM identifier of the component used to raise this alarm. For future use.
OriginationProbeIdGUIDThe VSM unique identifier of the probe associated with this alarm being raised.
RecommendedActionStringA block of text that may recommend actions for a person to take to diagnose or resolve this alarm. Usually taken from product documentation if this is populated.
SeverityIntegerThe VSM severity assigned to this alarm. The severity may be modified from default values and applied at a  customer or business partner level.
SiteIdIntegerA numeric value generally associated with the IP Network Region of the equipment raising the alarm.
SiteNameStringThe name of the site associated with the alarm. Generally associated with the name of the IP Network Region this value may also come from site names administered in VSM for locations where an IPNR is not populated.
VendorStringThe name of the vendor of the equipment raising the alarm. For example Avaya, Cisco, Audiocodes or Virsae.
CalloutListIdGUIDThe VSM unique identifier of the callout list assigned in the alarm rules to be used by this workflow.
ServerInstanceIdGUIDA VSM unique identifier of the server used in processing of this alarm. VSM internal use.
ShortAlarmDescriptionStringA truncated alarm description generally used when passing alarm details via SMS so that the complete message is shorter than 170 characters.
ExternalTicketIdStringA unique identifier received from a third party API when raising an alarm into an external ticketing system such as Service Now.
RawAlarmDataStringThe al.rm information received such as the SNMP trap received that was used to create this alarm.
ActivatedLocationLocalTimeDateThe date and time the alarm was raised in the time zone administered for the location within VSM.
LocationTimeZoneIdStringThe actual timezone as administered in VSM for the location. This can be used when translating the date and time to a different timezone.
AlarmActivatedTimeDateThe date and time the alarm was activated 
IsAlarmActivatedTimeUtcBooleanIs the alarm activated time in UTC or not.
ProductNameStringThe VSM product name such as ACM for Avaya Communication Manager
ProductVendorIdGUIDThe VSM unique identifier of the product vendor.

Business Partner Details

The following fields appear in the 'Output Mapping of the GetBPDetails activity. The field names are fixed and in the context of the Business Partner. The variables are default variables that may exist in when a template is used to create the workflow. These variable names may be modified or added where they do not exist. The majority of these are configuration items administered with the VSM web portal manage business partner page and also the availability options page.

Field NameVariable NameType Description
BooleanIs the business partner active or have they been deleted?
Alert Via EmailBPAlertViaEmailBooleanFrom VSM administration determines if the business partner should be notified via email or not. Administered in the business partner availability options.
Alert Via SMSBPAlertViaSMSBooleanFrom VSM administration determines if the business partner should be notified via SMSor not. Administered in the business partner availability options.
Business Partner Billing ReferenceBusinessPartnerBillingReferenceStringVSM Internal reference for billing purposes
Business Partner IDBusinessPartnerIDGUIDA VSM unique identifier for the business partner associated with this alarm.
Business Partner Mobile PhoneBusinessPartnerMobilePhoneStringThe mobile phone number administered for this business partner
Business Partner NameBusinessPartnerNameStringThe business partner name administered for this business partner
Business Partner Service Desk Email AddressBPServiceDeskEmailAddressStringTBC
Max Days For Unresolved AlarmsBPMaxDaysUnresolvedIntegerThe maximum days an alarm should remain as unresolved in VSM before it is automatically resolved.
Primary Contact Mobile NumberBPPrimaryContactMobileStringThe mobile phone number of the person administered as the primary contact for this business partner.
Primary Contact NameBPPrimaryContactNameStringThe name of the person administered as the primary contact for this business partner.
Send Alarms To Service Desk EmailBPSendAlarmToServiceDeskBooleanThis determines at a business partner level if all alarms should be sent to the service desk email address or not. Administered in the business partner availability options.
Service Desk Email AddressServiceDeskEmailAddressBPStringThe service desk email address administered for this business partner at a business partner level.
Use Callout ListUseCalloutListBooleanDetermines if a callout list should be used with this workflow. Administered in the business partner availability options.
User To Receive Alarms Email AddressBPUserToReceiveAlarmEmailAddressStringThe users email address to receive alarms.
User To Receive Alarms NameBPUserToReceiveAlarmNameStringThe users name that is administered to receive alarms.
User To Receive Alarms SMSBPUserToReceiveAlarmSMSStringThe users mobile number  to receive alarms.
Virsae Account NumberBPVirsaeAccountNumberStringInternal Virsae account number for this business partner.
Virsae Contract NumberBPVirsaeContractNumberStringInternal Virsae contract number for this business partner.
Virsae Entity IDBPVirsaeEntityNumberGUIDInternal Virsae unique identifier for this business partner.

Customer Details

The following fields appear in the 'Output Mapping of the GetCustomerDetails activity. The field names are fixed and in the context of the Business Partner. The variables are default variables that may exist in when a template is used to create the workflow. These variable names may be modified or added where they do not exist. The majority of these are configuration items administered with the VSM web portal manage customer page and also the customer availability options page.

Field NameVariable NameType Description
BooleanIdentifies if the customer is active or has been deleted.
Alert Via EmailCustAlarmViaEmailBooleanShould the customer be notified via email or not.
Alert Via SMSCustAlarmViaSMSBooleanShould the customer be notified via SMS or not.
Business Partner IDCustBPIdGUIDThe unique identifier of the business partner this customer belongs to.
Business Partner Service Desk Email AddressCustBPServiceDeskEmailAddressStringThe business partners email address administered at the customer level. For example the BP may have a unique service address for this specific customer as opposed to the email address administered at a BP level.
Business Partner TelephoneCustBusinessTelephoneStringThe business partners phone number administered at the customer level. For example the BP may have a unique phone number for this specific customer as opposed to the phone number administered at a BP level.
Customer NameCustCustomerNameStringThe name of the customer associated with this alarm.
Customer NumberCustCustomerNumberStringThe number of the customer associated with this alarm.
Max Days For Unresolved AlarmsCustMaxDaysUnresolvedIntegerThe maximum number of days the alarm will remain unresolved in the customers view before being resolved automatically.
Mobile NumberCustMobileNumberStringThe mobile number of the customer associated with this alarm.
Primary Contact Email addressCustPrimaryContactEmailAddressStringThe email address of the customers primary contact.
Primary Contact Mobile NumberCustPrimaryContactMobileStringThe mobile number of the customers primary contact.
Primary Contact NameCustPrimaryContactNameStringThe name of the customers primary contact.
Primary Contact Phone NumberCustPrimaryContactPhoneNumberStringThe phone number of the customers primary contact.
Send Alarm To Service Desk EmailCustSendAlarmsToServiceDeskBooleanIdentifies if an alarm should be sent to the customers internal service desk email address.
Use Callout ListCustUseCalloutListBooleanIdentifies if this workflow should use the callout list administered at a customer level.
Service Desk Email AddressCustServiceDeskEmailAddressStringThe customers service desk email address to sned emails to if enabled.
User To Receive Alarms Email addressCustUserToReceiveAlarmEmailStringThe email address of a specific user administered at the customer level. 
User To Receive Alarms NameCustUserToReceiveAlarmNameStringThe name of a specific user administered at the customer level.
User To Receive Alarms SMSCustUserToReceiveAlarmSMSStringThe mobile number of a specific user administered at the customer level.

Equipment Details

The following fields appear in the 'Output Mapping of the GetEquipmentDetails activity. The field names are fixed and in the context of the Business Partner. The variables are default variables that may exist in when a template is used to create the workflow. These variable names may be modified or added where they do not exist. These values are administered in Manage Equipment under the customers location(s).

Field NameVariable NameType Description
Equipment Address
StringThe IP address of the Equipment as administered in VSM.
Equipment NameEquipDetailsEquipmentNameStringThe name of the equipment as administered in VSM

Location Details

The following fields appear in the 'Output Mapping of the GetLocationDetails activity. The field names are fixed and in the context of the Business Partner. The variables are default variables that may exist in when a template is used to create the workflow. These variable names may be modified or added where they do not exist. These values are administered under the customers location(s).

Field NameVariable NameType Description
ActiveLDActiveBooleanIdentifies if the customer location is active or has been deleted for example.
Appliance Friendly NameLDApplianceFriendlyNameStringThe name of the appliance installed at the location as administered in VSM.
DescriptionLDDescriptionStringThe description of the location as administered in VSM.
Location NameLDLocationNameStringThe name of the location as administered in VSM.
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