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Table of Contents

The CMS call trace Call Trace reports provides rich search criteria to produce call traces detailing a customers journey, for analyzing call handling for complaints, identifying process improvements, or routing anomalies.


CMS Call History uses data from the ‘external Call History Interface' of the Avaya Call Management System. ECHI must be enabled. Contact your system administrator for more information.

Call records are store for 13 months stored in the VSM Cloud, with the duration dependant on commercial arrangement. These call records can be found in Service Desk  → CMS Call History


The CMS Call Trace report can be used to:

  • View a customers call experience

  • Analyse call handling complaints

  • Identify process improvement options
  • Identify routing anomalies in routing rules
  • Identify caller ID for abandoned calls during queuing or on hold
  • Compliance with company policy for 'agent release' 
    • To review if abandons, agent released calls or short calls are related to poor voice quality refer to CMS Call History grid



    • then use filters on data found in Service Desk → CMS Call History 


Input selection

Choose an input selection:

  • from one of the drop down boxes or
  • enter one of the criteria such as the callers number in the Calling Party field or an Agents number in the Agent Login Id field.

For large queries, we recommend using the Schedule feature to receive the report by email. For how to schedule click here...

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Note: The report can contain date-time ranges outside of the range selected in the report filter. This is because a 'call trace' can contain segments starting before or ending after that filter time frame.

The example report below has been run using Calling Party number as the criteria.

The calling party can be one of the following:

  • Customer phone number
  • Agent Login Id
  • Station
  • Extension or trunk equipment location identifying the originator of the call
    • Note: This field is blank if the trunk is not measured, or for internal calls if the originating extension is not measured.

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Interpreting the Report

Each call trace is grouped by a CallTraceId identifier and can comprise one or many rows of data. Each row represents a call segment.

Reading along the column headings for each Trace segment:

  1. SEGSTART is the time the call segment started.
    1. Note: The report can contain date-time ranges outside of the range selected in the report filter. This is because a 'call trace' can contain segments starting before or ending after that filter time frame.
  2. DURATION is the length of time this segment of the call continued (measured in Trunk Holding time). Refer to the table below for complete definitions.
  3. CALLING_PTY is the identification of the caller. This could be an Answering Agent from the previous segment who then becomes the 'calling party'when transferring a call.
  4. DIALED_NUMBER (can be the same as the FIRST VDN),
  5. DISPOSITION VDN, DISPOSITION VECTOR, DISPOSITION SPLIT(SKILL) and CALL DISPOSITION, FIRST VECTOR and LAST DIGITS shows call treatment or path of the customer journey. “Last digits” tells us what the customer chose in the auto attendant or another collect-digit prompt.
    1. CALL_DISP  may show as connected, answered, abandoned, interflowed, etc
  6. When CALL_DISP is answered then you'll see the answering Agent Login ID (ANSLOGIN) and TALK TIME, as well as if the call was CONFERENCED, TRANSFERRED or HELD, including if the call abandoned while on hold (HOLDABN).
  7. Additional fields are contained in the csv export for the CMS Call Trace Report, for example
    1. Agent released the call (AGT_RELEASE),
    2. the Trunk Group associated with the call (TKGRP)
    3. the first VDN associated with that call segment (FIRSTVDN)

CMS Database Item Definitions

The following columns all appear on the csv export for a call trace report. (Note that less columns appear on the web or pdf format for ease of readability.) 

Column Heading

(Database Item)

Call Record Field Descriptions


The UNIX time and date when the call segment started. Call segments start when CMS receives the first message for the call, since each call segment represents a call. (When an agent transfers or conferences a call, the agent makes another call to bring about the transfer/conference.)


The total time the trunk was in use. An alternate description would be the length of time the trunk has been in the TK state. This is the overall trunk holding time from the beginning of the call segment until the caller is disconnected. For the first segment of a call, this will be the trunk holding time for the caller for the entire call (from seized until idle). With a transfer, the original trunk remains associated with both call segments until the call ends.


The calling party identification, (which is the Automatic Number Identification (ANI)/Station Identification (SID) for Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) ANI delivery), extension or trunk equipment location identifying the originator of the call. This field is blank if the trunk is not measured, or for internal calls if the originating extension is not measured. (Up to 24 digits in this field.)


The number the caller dialed (up to 24 digits). This will be the VDN for inbound vectoring calls, blank for inbound calls without vectoring, and dialed digits for outbound calls.


The number of the VDN associated with the call at its disposition for this call segment. DISPVDN will be blank for calls that are not associated with a VDN at their disposition.


The number of the first vector associated with the disposition VDN (DISPVDN).


The number of the split/skill associated with the call at its disposition in this call segment. Calls that were not queued to a split or skill at the time of disposition will have DISPSPLIT set to null. Calls that were queued to an unmeasured split/skill at the time of disposition will have DISPSPLIT set to zero.
Some direct agent call scenarios will result in DISPSPLIT being set to the agent's top skill.


With EAS, the ANSLOGIN field has the agent login ID of the agent logged into the phone extension.  This is true whether the skill involved is measured or not.  If no agent is logged into the phone extension, the ANSLOGIN field is blank.
With non-EAS, the ANSLOGIN field is populated with the agent's login ID only if the associated ACD split hunt group is measured.  If the split is unmeasured, the ANSLOGIN field is blank.


The login ID of the agent originating the call. This is used for calls an agent originates to another agent, to an on-switch extension, or to an external destination.


The total talk time for the answering agent in this segment.


Whether the answering agent initiated a conference on this segment. Valid values are 0=NO, 1=YES.


Indicates that a call transfer was attempted on this segment. It does not indicate that the transfer was successful or completed. For example, if an agent initiates a consultative transfer to a second agent, but decides to cancel the transfer after the second agent answers and talks to the first agent, the TRANSFERRED field remains set even though the first agent retains control of the call. TRANSFERRED also indicates transfers that are not initiated by an agent.  For example, when a call is transferred after a Q Signal (QSIG) path replacement request, this flag is set to 1 in one of the segments, but no agent is involved. Possible values are 0=NO and 1=YES.


The total number of times this call was placed on hold by the answering agent in this call segment. With agent-to-agent calls, this count is incremented for the agent who puts the call on hold, but not for the calling agent.


Whether this on-hold call was abandoned from hold in this call segment. Valid values are 0=NO, 1=YES.


The agent released or dropped the split/skill or direct agent ACD call. This is always true for ACD calls the agent transferred or conferenced. (0=NO, 1=YES). This value is padded with seven 0s to maintain byte alignment.


Description: This field represents the call disposition and indicates whether the call in the segment was:
● 1=connected (CONN, non-ACD call to a measured agent) A connected call is a non-ACD call to a measured agent for which CMS receives an indication that the call was connected.
● 2=answered (ANS, split/skill or direct agent call answered by an agent) An answered call is any split/skill or direct agent ACD call for which CMS receives an indication that the call was answered by an agent and was not a phantom abandon.
● 3=abandoned (ABAN) An abandoned call is any ACD call in which a caller hangs up before receiving an answer from an agent and for which CMS receives notification that the caller abandoned. Phantom abandons (PHANTOMABNS) are included as abandoned calls.
● 4=interflowed (IFLOW) Interflowed calls are calls that are interflowed to an off-switch destination.
● 5=forced busy (FBUSY) Forced busy calls are calls that CMS records as BUSYCALLS for the trunk group that carried them. These calls can be VDN calls that received a forced busy from the vector command.
● 6=forced disconnect (FDISC) Forced disconnect calls are VDN calls that are disconnected by the communication server due to the execution of a disconnect vector command.
● 7=other (OTHER) Forced disconnect calls also include calls disconnected because of the vector disconnect timer or because they reached the end of vector processing without being queued. Other calls include any other calls that do not fall into categories such as answered or abandoned. See definitions for individual tables for OTHERCALLS.
● 8=icr-pulled (ICRPULLED) ICR pulled calls are calls pulled back from a CM by ICR.  Starting with ICR 2.0, a call can be pulled back from the CM at any point in the call progression before an agent answers.


The number of the first VDN associated with the call segment. This will be blank for calls not associated with a VDN.


The number of the first vector that is associated with the first VDN for the call segment. This is blank
if no vector is involved.


The last set of collected digits sent to the CMS by the communication server for this call. These are digits the communication server sends to CMS when it executes a “collect” vector command. The digits may be digits the caller was prompted to enter, either through the prompting feature on the communication server or through network-prompted digits [caller-entered digits CED], customer database-provided digits (CDPD from the network), or digits collected through a “converse” vector command.


The Universal Call Identifier - a unique number assigned to this call segment within the customer network.

Note: Where UCID is 0000000000000000 VSM is unable to properly link segments for a useful call trace, but these may appear on a report. (Various reasons why the UCID may be in this format can be found via any web search engines.)


A unique number assigned to this call and all its call segments. For conferenced/ transferred calls, two (or more) calls are tied together. When the entire call is recorded, one call ID is used to tie together all call segments. In “meet-me” conferences, this may result in a “later” segment of the call starting earlier than the first segment. Call IDs are not necessarily strictly sequential, but are unique for calls over a day per ACD. For additional information on “meet-me” conferences, see the appropriate Avaya Communication Manager administrator guide.


The UNIX time and date when the call segment ended. A call segment ends when all trunks and agents associated with the call segment have dropped off the call. This means that after call work time for the agents is included when calculating the call segment stop time.


The trunk group number for which data was collected (or for which an exception occurred). This will be null if the trunk group carrying the call is not measured.


The location ID of the answering agent. This ID number is not assigned to an agent, but rather to the agent terminal and is associated with the communication server port network ID. An agent may be associated with a location ID only upon logging into the ACD. Valid values are 0 through 250.
! Important: If the location IDs (LOC_ID) defined on the Communication Manager server are greater than the valid CMS values, then a default location ID of 0 will be assigned.


The location ID of the calling agent. This ID number is not assigned to an agent, but rather to the agent terminal and it is associated with the communication server port network ID. An agent may be associated with a location ID only upon logging into the ACD. Valid values are ID numbers from 0 through 250.


Whether an agent in this segment reported an audio difficulty problem. Valid values are 0=NO, 1=YES.


The ACD number for which data was collected.

CallIDCALLID values are unique per ACD.
CALLID values are generally only guaranteed to unique within a 24-hour period. That is to say, for the 12-hour period preceding the call and the 12-hour period after the call.
CallTraceIdA VSM generated identifier as Call Id is not always unique