By default speed test will run every 10 minutes unless the work station is asleep or powered off. Speed test uses a variable amount of data depending on the throughput of your internet connection - see details below. Typically VSM-E is not suitable for use on a high speed internet connection with a low data cap, as that cap can be easily breached.
- VSM-E establishes multiple connections with the test server. VSM-E then requests the test server to send an initial chunk of data.
- VSM-E calculates the real-time speed of the transfer, then adjusts the chunk and buffer size based on this calculation to maximize usage of the network connection. (Note that this shouldn't impact the quality of voice or video calls in progress)
- As the chunks are received by VSM-E, it will request more chunks throughout the duration of the test.
- During the first half of the test, VSM-E will establish extra connections to the server if it determines additional threads are required to more accurately measure the download speed.
- The test ends once the test duration has been reached, therefore amount of data used in the test will vary based on the capability of the connection.