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A string cannot be used directly in an If activity to determine if the string is empty or not. First the Is String Populated activity is used to determine if a particular string variable is empty or not and set a boolean Boolean variable appropriately. A subsequent IF activity may be used to determine which branch of a workflow to follow depending on the boolean Boolean state. For example if an email address variable is populated the Is String Populated activity sets a variable to true, otherwise set it to false. In a follow-up If activity the boolean Boolean output is tested; If True send an email but if False don't attempt to send an email.


The Alarm Active output mapping will set a boolean Boolean variable true if the alarm identified in the input settings is still active. If the required variable is not yet defined a new variable may be created by clicking the '+' button and completing the required information. A variable name is required which may contain spaces although this is not recommended. The available types are String, Integer, Decimal, Boolean, GUID and Date. The variable may then be added by clicking the Add button or the Add as a parameter button. The key differences between adding as a variable and adding as a parameter, from your point of view, is that a parameter is not editable once it has been created. The purpose of a parameter is that of an input variable taking a value from whatever triggers the workflow and as such needs to be defined by the back-end administrators. At an activity level variables and parameters may be used interchangeably so just use the Add button when adding a variable.


The Location ID is a GUID which is generated at the time the location is created. The GUID itself is not visible through the administration interface however it may be exported from the list of all locations as shown below.

Output Mapping

This boolean Boolean will be true if the location is active. A location is considered active when ...


The Customer ID is a GUID generated at the time the customer is added. The GUID itself is not visible through the administration interface however it may be exported from the list of all locations as shown below.

Output Mapping

This boolean Boolean will be true if the location is active. A location is considered active when ...


The Customer ID is a GUID generated at the time the customer is added. The GUID itself is not visible through the administration interface however it may be exported from the list of all locations as shown below.

Output Mapping

This boolean Boolean will be true if the location is active. A location is considered active when ...


A default value for a variable may be set here or left empty. A boolean Boolean state is indicated using a check box where checked is true and unchecked is false.


When all items in the input collection have been processed, the For Each activity will exit and if required LoopComplete output may set a boolean Boolean variable which can later be tested.


Decision activities such as For Each, have two outputs: complete or bot complete. To change the output branch criteria simply select the branch and in the available Transition Criteria properties check or un-check the complete checkbox. This will reverse the criteria automatically changing the other branch at the same time.

Note: Note: The transition criteria properties window is only visible while the output branch is selected


The operator is used to test parameter 1 against parameter 2. The list of available operators will be dependent on the type of parameters selected. For example if a boolean Boolean parameter 1 is selected, the only condition operators available will be Equals or NotEquals. Available operators may include one or more of the following


Decision activities such as If, have two outputs: true or false. To change the output branch criteria simply select the branch and in the available Transition Criteria properties check or un-check the result checkbox. This will reverse the criteria automatically changing the other branch at the same time.

Note:Note: The transition criteria properties window is only visible while the output branch is selected


The operator is used to test parameter 1 against parameter 2. The list of available operators will be dependent on the type of parameters selected. For example if a boolean Boolean parameter 1 is selected, the only condition operators available will be Equals or NotEquals. Available operators may include one or more of the following
