Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


The formatting property is a string. The string is plain text or may contain HTML tags and may contain variables. An example of a string is Trunk Threshold reached - Customer - {0} ; Alarm '{1} </br>' where the variables 0 and 1 are CNAME (may be customer name ) and AlarmEventName ( alarm name ) respectively. The </br> will add a line break if this is used in an email that has the Is Body HTML property set as an example.


The output mapping may also be a boolean Boolean variable (true or false) which may be tested to determine the next workflow steps. For example the result of sending an email is either true or false as to whether the send was successful or not. This can be mapped to a boolean Boolean output which can then be tested to determine if email needs to be sent again or an SMS sent as an alternative for example.


The conditional operators enables you to test one parameter against another such as a boolean Boolean variable equal to true or false. These are relational and equality operators generally found in the If and While activities.


The Transition Criteria property is displayed when an activity connector is selected from an activity that has multiple outputs such as For Each or If activities. These outputs are boolean Boolean states and the criteria may be swapped by checking or unchecking the appropriate checkbox.


The Delay activity pauses the processing on this branch of the workflow. If a split has been used to perform some parallel processing the other branches are not affected by this delay. This must be taken into consideration when merging branches if output from the delayed branch is required in the workflow post merging of branches.



This is a name given to this activity that is displayed within the workflow. Ideally the name would provide some relevance when looking at the overall workflow design.
